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Tony Narducci, President of O’Neil Printing in Phoenix, Arizona, says, “With the advent of e-readers, iPads and Kindles, it is imperative that physical books find a way to differentiate the reader’s experience … The Triangle Book design enhances the readers experience and requires no batteries…. During my 35 years in the publishing and printing business, I have yet to see a book design that rivals the Triangle Book for usability.”

Tom (N. T.) Wright, a former bishop in the Church of England and one of the world’s premier biblical scholars, says of the Triangle Book, “this looks like an exciting new possibility in the art of reading.” As a well-published author, Tom explains that the Triangle Book could benefit him greatly because sometimes he has to find some way to prop up two, three, and even four traditional books at a time near his computer and keep their pages open as he keys in material from them.

Rob Roth, president of Spiral Binding, the largest U.S. producer of coil (spiral) binding and the original Wire-O, says, “The wire-bound Triangle Book is an interesting, new book format that is comparable to the easel book format but much better.”