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When the three book covers are propped, the reader slides the Page Holder to an elevated position to show two pages at one time, one page above the other.

About the Triangle Book

The Triangle Book® is a patented, hands-free book format that we are licensing to book publishers or their printers so that they can make their own books in this new publishing format.


A Triangle Book lying closed on a desk or standing upright on a bookshelf looks traditional with a printed spine for identification. Yet it has three covers that prop to form a triangle structure.

Reading Angle

This stable structure provides a proper reading angle of 60-75 degrees. Covers can be hardcover or plastic.


The propped structure provides a hands-free, built-in bookstand.

Turning the pages

Pages rotate on Wire-O or coil, which provides flat pages that are easier to read.

About Me

Hi. I'm retired PGA Tour pro golfer Kermit Zarley ( I'm also an author and inventor. Having to hold a book and keep its pages open, due to a tight spine, caused me to try to find a more comfortable reading experience. I decided book stands don't suffice; and those with tabs to hold pages open don't work well. Neither does the unstable easel format that only shows one page at a time.

I invented the Triangle Book so book publishers can make book reading more enjoyable for their customers.

About the Patents

I invented this book format to help printed books compete better with e-books as well. The Triangle Book is "a self-supporting book" with three patents: